Cool island installed by ENGIE at La Defense business district in France

Heat shields

From planetary to microclimate management.

How likely? How soon? What impact?

Even as scientists and policymakers lock horns over frameworks for engineering the earth's climate, cities are gaining powerful new, fine-grained tools to combat urban heat islands. Advanced modeling platforms, AI-powered scenario generators, and high-resolution drone surveys are enabling a shift from broad cooling strategies to targeted, data-driven interventions. These technologies allow urban planners to visualize heat distribution at sub-meter resolutions, rapidly generate and evaluate adaptation scenarios, and pinpoint the most critical hotspots for mitigation.

The ability to quickly design, implement, and assess cooling measures is accelerating the cycle of urban climate management from years to months or even weeks. This precision approach not only enhances the effectiveness of heat mitigation efforts but also optimizes resource allocation. As these tools become more widespread and user-friendly, cities of all sizes will be empowered to create more resilient and comfortable urban environments in the face of rising temperatures.


Signals are evidence of possible futures found in the world today—technologies, products, services, and behaviors that we expect are already here but could become more widespread tomorrow.