Fitts Park at 3050 S. 500 East, in South Salt Lake, is pictured on Thursday, May 16, 2024. A city employee described the park as a "little green lung" of the city.
Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune Fitts Park at 3050 S. 500 East, in South Salt Lake, is pictured on Thursday, May 16, 2024. A city employee described the park as a "little green lung" of the city.

Measuring access and exposure to nature

Oregon-based startup NatureQuant offers two products to help people connect with nature. The first, NatureScore is a scoring system that assesses the quantity and quality of natural elements at any given location in the United States, combining data on land use, tree canopy, and pollution. The second, NatureDose is a personalized tracking app that measures how much time people spend in areas with high nature scores, and estimates the health benefits of exposure to nature.

As tools for measuring access and exposure to nature become more widespread, they could influence where people chose to live and how they organize outdoor activities. Similar to how the "Walk Score" became widely used in marketing residential property, and social fitness trackers have influenced the places and paths that people use for exercise and recreation. These data and tools could impact land values and activity patterns where nature and urban environments commingle, creating new opportunities for enhancing the well-being of humans and natural areas.

Environmental Systems
green infrastructure