Side-by-side comparison of satellite imagery, illustrating land use changes for verification of projected benefits.

Life cycle models for green infrastructure

Green Unified Scenarios (GUS) is a comprehensive tool for nature-based solutions that allows cities to model the benefits of tree canopies over time. Based on a Monte Carlo approach to developing a robust set of scenarios within a digital twin environment. These simulations take into account spatial distribution of canopy, climate projections, tree species compositions, soil conditions, and maintenance regimes including community-led efforts. This allows cities to assess how different design choices and forestry practices influence the benefits and viability of tree canopies in the future.

As tools for modeling the benefits and viability of tree canopies and other green infrastructure systems become more widely used, they will allow cities to make more informed choices and achieve higher performance from these investments. By considering the impacts of changing climate on growth rates and survival rates for trees and vegetation, they will help make these resilience elements more resilient themselves. Furthermore, by providing and presenting an evidence base for community-led maintenance, it can help improve prospects of participatory adaptation efforts.

Environmental Systems
ecosystem services